Pets distracted drivers lawyers

Most of us believe that distracted driving is always the result of text messaging or talking on the phone, but there are numerous other causes of distracted driving, and one of them is pets in a car. 

An unrestrained pet in car results in a driver focusing on where the pet is rather than on the road. Think about it. How many times have you looked over to see a driver, driving with a small dog or cat on their lap? If theres an emergency it could be a bad situation for all parties involved.

Simply put, pets distract drivers. They tend to jump back and forth from the passenger window to the drivers window, and this can easily cause an accident.

  • When you are driving with a pet on your lap your ability to drive and react quickly is impaired. A common cause of many accidents happens when drivers are unable to make a quick turn because their pet is in their lap.
  • A pet on the drivers lap makes breaking and accelerating extremely difficulty. Not to mention, if your pet jumps up you may not be able to clearly see the road.
  • Speaking of jumping around, many pets love to get down on the floor, under the seat or near the brake and gas. This is bad news if you need to slam on brakes.
  • In the event of a collision, an unrestrained pet can become a projectile, injuring itself and others.

Distracted driving is defined by anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the road. The Alberta Ministry of Transportation has stated that distracted drivers have three times the chance of being involved in an accident than drivers who are paying attention.

Have you or someone that you love been the victim of an accident caused by a distracted driver? At the law offices of Greg Monforton & Partners, our Windsor car accident lawyers can help you determine if you may be eligible to file a claim for damages.

Call (866) 320-4770 or fill out our free case evaluation form today.