A car accident on the U.S. side of the Ambassador Bridge stopped traffic for approximately 30 minutes on Saturday. According to Windsor police, the accident took place around 5 p.m. and there were no injuries reported.
The vehicle was heading stateside when it reportedly overturned on the U.S. side of the border. Windsor Police Service Staff Sgt. Todd LaMarre said that U.S. law enforcement would be handling the crash and that WPS had minimal information regarding its details.
Rollover accidents can have deadly consequences. Those involved in the crash on the Ambassador Bridge proved to be extremely lucky, as no one was injured and no severe damage to vehicles was reported to Windsor police.
Greg Monforton & Partners –
Ph: 1-866-320-4770
Despite what many may believe, most rollover accidents are single-vehicle incidents. In many ways this means that environmental factors or driver error is usually to blame, although it is uncertain at this point which factors influenced those involved in the Ambassador Bridge crash.
According to data published in the Ontario Road Safety Annual Report, the province had 360 rollover crashes in 2010, which resulted in 143 incidents of personal injury. Luckily, only two of those accidents were fatal.
Make sure that you do your part to prevent rollover accidents whenever possible: always operate your vehicle at a speed that is safe and reasonable for conditions, obey traffic signs and signals, and yield to other drivers whenever necessary.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a rollover accident due to the negligence of another person, you may be eligible for compensation because of what you suffered. For a free, no-obligation consultation of your claim, contact a personal injury lawyer in Windsor at Greg Monforton & Partners today.
Fill out our online evaluation form or call (866) 320-4770 for help.