Elderly Man on Mobility Scooter Hit by Ford Pick-up Truck in Chatham Kent

back view of an ambulance in daylight driving awayOn Saturday afternoon, emergency responders received a report of a collision in Chatham Kent on McNaughton Avenue and St. Clair Street. The incident involved an elderly man who was struck by a Ford F-150 pick-up truck while attempting to cross the road on a mobility scooter.

The victim, a 74-year-old man from Chatham was initially taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries. According to a news report from AM800, the victim has since been transferred to Windsor  Regional Hospital.

Chatham Kent Traffic Management is conducting an ongoing investigation into the cause of the crash. The driver of the pick-up truck, a 41-year-old woman, was not injured.

Witnesses who may have useful information about what happened are being asked to contact either Chatham Police or Crime Stoppers.

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