Did you know that new legislation introduced on July 15 aims to help lower the insurance premiums for many Ontario motorists?

The Fighting Fraud and Reducing Automobile Insurance Rates Act is a combination of two formerly introduced pieces of legislation, the Fighting Fraud and Reducing Automobile Insurance Rates Act and the Roadside Assistance Protection Act.

If the new legislation passes, it could help:

  • Transform Ontarios auto insurance dispute resolution system (DRS) to help injured drivers settle disputed claims faster
  • Regulate the towing and vehicle storage industries
  • Give the province authority to change the current 60-day period that a vehicle may be stored after an accident, accruing charges, without notifying the owner

Additionally, there is also a proposal to include tow trucks in the provinces Commercial Vehicle Operators Registration System in order to improve road safety.

Efforts to tackle fraud and reduce auto insurance rates for Ontario drivers are working. The measures were introducing today build on our previous work and will help ensure a fair and affordable auto insurance system for Ontarians, Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance, said in a public press release.

Back in August 2013, the province introduced an initial plan to reduce insurance rates for Ontario drivers within the next two years. With more than nine million drivers in the province, many people wouldnt mind seeing their insurance rates lowered.

The entire team of personal injury lawyers and staff at Greg Monforton and Partners understand how frustrating it can be to deal with insurance companies, especially if your claim has been denied after an auto accident. If your or someone you love has had an insurance claim rejected, a Windsor auto accident lawyer from our firm can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Call us at (866) 320-4770 or fill out the Free Case Evaluation form to schedule a free legal consultation.