Ontario Law Firm Blog

What Compensation Can I Recover For Broken Ribs From a Windsor, ON Car Crash?

Blunt force trauma to the chest is a common occurrence in car crashes and can cause victims to suffer one or more broken ribs. This injury is incredibly painful, especially when trying to breathe. If you sustained a rib injury in a car crash and it was the result of the other driver’s negligence, our... Read More

CTV News Windsor Interviews Francesca Provenzano About Sacks For Santa Charity Initiative

CTV News Windsor recently did a story about the Sacks for Santa charity founded by our associate lawyer Francesca Provenzano. Francesca started this initiative in 2019 to provide hygiene products, winter gear and non-perishable snacks to homeless youth at the Windsor Youth Centre. “The demand is higher than ever this year, especially with our economy,”... Read More

Why Do Ontario SUV Crashes With Smaller Vehicles Have a Higher Risk of Serious Injury?

There are many benefits to driving an SUV or large pickup truck. You can often transport more people than you could in a smaller passenger vehicle. SUVs and larger pickup trucks also have more cargo room. Large vehicles like these also offer much more protection in a crash. Unfortunately, the extra protection often comes at... Read More

Motorcyclist Hospitalized With Critical Injuries From Crash on Tecumseh Road East

A 21-year-old motorcycle rider got hit by another vehicle on Sunday night and suffered critical injuries. The crash happened at Clover Avenue and Tecumseh Road East between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. The rider was going east on Tecumseh Road. When he crossed Clover Avenue, a southbound vehicle hit him. According to Windsor police, the... Read More

Greg Monforton and Partners Lawyers Attend OTLA Celebration of Personal Injury Bar

Greg Monforton & Partners was well represented at the 2023 Ontario Trial Lawyers Association Celebration of the Personal Injury Bar in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre last Friday. This event has become the most prestigious event on the OTLA calendar. Pictured are some of our associate lawyers who attended. From left to right:... Read More

I Was Injured in a Windsor Brake-Checking Crash. Can I File a Claim For Compensation?

No driver likes it when another car follows too closely. However, some drivers get so angry about it they decide to slam on the brakes to scare the tailgating driver. The goal is to get the trailing driver to narrowly avoid a rear-end crash and back off. Unfortunately, sometimes there is no way to avoid... Read More

Bicyclist Sustains Life-Threatening Injuries in Chatham-Kent Collision

There was a serious crash around 9:00 a.m. Wednesday in Chatham-Kent. The collision involved a car and bicycle, and the bicyclist was transported to hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries. There were several 911 calls made to Chatham-Kent police at about 9:25 a.m. Wednesday morning to report a crash at Beth Crescent and McFarlane Ave.... Read More

What Victims of Windsor Jackknife Truck Accidents Need to Know

Any motor vehicle crash involving a commercial truck is dangerous, but jackknife truck accidents may be the most dangerous because they often involve multiple passenger vehicles. The commercial truck driver also has no control over the vehicle when the trailer jackknifes away from the cab. If you were injured in this type of truck accident... Read More

Greg Monforton, Heather Colman Obtain Successful Result For Client at Ontario Court of Appeal

Our founding partner Greg Monforton and senior associate Heather Colman were in Toronto yesterday at the Ontario Court of Appeal, fighting on behalf of one of our clients. Greg and Heather took on five defendants, including a local municipality and the provincial and federal governments. We are happy to report that they obtained a successful... Read More

Welcome to Our New Associate Lawyer Francesca Provenzano!

Greg Monforton and Partners is excited to welcome our newest associate lawyer Francesca Provenzano to the firm. Before joining our firm, Francesca worked in civil and family law litigation. She was also a federal prosecutor. Francesca was born and raised in Ottawa and obtained an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice from... Read More