Thousands Charged in Southwestern Ontario During Canada Road Safety Week

OPP was busy on Canada Road Safety Week, as they laid more than 2,600 charges during the week that ended on May 22nd. They were focused on charging drivers engaged in four of the main causes of serious or fatal collisions, including driving aggressively, driving while intoxicated, inattentive/distracted driving, and failing to buckle a seatbelt.... Read More

What Are My Legal Rights if I Get Injured at an Outdoor Festival or Event in Ontario?

Summer is almost here and that means plenty of outdoor events catered to a variety of interests, from live music and food to culture-themed gatherings. While everyone wants to have fun at these events, sometimes the fun is cut short by a personal injury. It is important to know your rights and legal options after... Read More

Three People Killed in Sunday Night Crash in Wallaceburg

There was a fatal collision between a semi-tanker truck and a car on McNaughton Avenue on Sunday night. Three of the occupants of the car were pronounced deceased at the scene. The crash happened just before 10 p.m. The car went onto McNaughton Avenue before hitting the truck. The driver of the car, a 23-year-old... Read More

Is the Other Driver Still at Fault if Your Windsor Car Crash was Caused by Brake Failure?

A car’s brakes are one of its most important components. If they fail the driver may be unable to avoid a collision with another car. If you are involved in a brake failure collision, the other driver may say there was no way to prevent the accident. However, there are many warning signs of failing... Read More

Westbound Lanes on Highway 401 Reopened Following Tuesday’s Fatal Crash

There was a fatal car accident yesterday on Highway 401 close to Putnam Road. The crash happened just before 2 p.m. and involved two vehicles, one of which rolled over into a ditch. The driver inside that vehicle died at the scene. Two other people who were injured in the crash went to hospital, but... Read More

Dooring Accidents in Windsor, Ontario: Who is at Fault and What Should Bicyclists Do Next?

Dooring accidents are some of the most dangerous accidents for bicycle riders. Crashing into an open car door could result in catastrophic injuries, as you could easily get thrown up over the door and onto the pavement. You need to know what to do after this type of collision. Our experienced Windsor bicycle accident lawyers... Read More

Windsor Police to Step Up Enforcement Efforts in the City’s Most Dangerous Intersections

Windsor police have released their list of the most dangerous intersections in the city. These are the intersections with the most reported auto accidents, based on Windsor Police Service data collected for 2022. You should expect a more significant police presence at these intersections. Windsor’s Traffic Enforcement Unit is going to be stepping up enforcement... Read More

Lakeshore OPP Charged a Driver For Saturday’s Fatal Head-On Crash on County Road 22

Lakeshore OPP have laid charges against a driver involved in a fatal two-vehicle collision that occurred on Saturday afternoon. The head-on crash happened east of Wallace Lane on County Road 22. The victim of the crash was taken to the hospital with critical injuries, where she was pronounced deceased. The suspect received treatment at the... Read More

OPP Reminds Riders and Drivers to Be Cautious During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, a time for motorcycle riders and drivers to learn more about the risks for motorcycle crashes and how to stay safe. The Ontario Provincial Police are telling bikers and drivers to keep an eye out for each other on the road. Unfortunately, Ontario motorcycle crashes have increased in recent... Read More

Jennifer Bezaire Meets With Attorney General of Ontario to Discuss Procedural Fairness, Access to Justice

Our Managing Partner Jennifer Bezaire was honoured recently to participate in a joint Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and Canadian Defence Lawyers Association meeting with the Attorney General of Ontario, The Honourable Doug Downey. The groups came together to share similar concerns regarding procedural fairness and access to justice. Thank you to Minister Downey for listening... Read More