Ontario Law Firm Blog

Good Governance Coalition Routs FullStop Candidates in LSO Bencher Election

Ontario lawyers elected every single member of the Good Governance Coalition in the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) Bencher election, reports The Globe and Mail. The election, which ended on April 28th, was a complete rejection of all 36 lawyers in the FullStop coalition who ran under the slogan “stop bloat, stop creep, stop woke.”... Read More

Greg Monforton and All Other Members of Good Governance Coalition Elected as Benchers to LSO

We are pleased to announce that our founding partner Greg Monforton has been elected to serve as a Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO). Greg finished first in the Southwest Region and eighth overall. The 45 lawyers and paralegals elected will take office at Convocation on May 25, 2023 and they will serve a four-year... Read More

Jacyln Habas to Serve as Vice Chair of OTLA New Lawyers Division

Greg Monforton and Partners is pleased to announce our associate lawyer Jaclyn Habas has been appointed Vice Chair of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) New Lawyers Division for 2023-2024. Jaclyn’s duties as Vice Chair will begin immediately after the Annual General Meeting of OTLA on Friday, May 12, 2023. Jaclyn has been with the... Read More

How a Car Crash Could Cause You to Suffer a Painful Shoulder Injury

You could suffer a serious shoulder injury in a Windsor car accident, especially if your shoulder hits something during the collision. The ligaments and other tissues in your shoulder could also suffer damage if you tightly grip the steering wheel. The force of the collision could transfer up to your shoulders and cause the joint... Read More

Collision Between Two Sedans at Tecumseh Road East Sends Five to Hospital

Windsor Police had to close part of Tecumseh Road East following a crash that happened at about noon on Tuesday. The crash involved two sedans, and five people had to be taken to hospital with serious injuries. There were four people in one vehicle who suffered severe injuries and one person in the second vehicle... Read More

Partners, Associates Attend Retreat and Learn About the Nuances of Body Language

Thank you to Mark Bowden of TRUTHPLANE https://truthplane.com/home/people/mark-bowden/ who challenged our partners and lawyers to better understand the nuance of body language and how that helps us become more effective communicators. We had 4 fascinating sessions learning more about ourselves and each other. You are incredible Mark!!! Read More

7 Catastrophic Bicycle Accident Injuries That Could Affect The Rest of Your Life

While some bicycle crashes cause minor injuries, many others result in serious, life-altering injuries. Riders do not have anywhere near the level of protection as those in cars. That means riders have a much higher risk of serious injury if they get hit by a car. Below, we discuss some of the most common catastrophic... Read More

30-Year-Old Man Sustains Life-Threatening Injuries in Motorcycle Crash

There was a catastrophic collision between an SUV and a motorcycle on Saturday night near Holburn Street and Barton Street. The motorcycle rider suffered life-threatening injuries. The police arrived at the scene at about 7:30 p.m. They had to close the area for several hours while traffic reconstruction and forensic identification units investigated the crash.... Read More

Multi-Vehicle Crash on Friday Puts One Person in Hospital With Serious Injuries

One person had to be rushed to hospital on Friday night after getting seriously injured in a collision on Highway 3. The crash occurred after 8 p.m. near Kingsville and it involved three vehicles. Essex County OPP came to the scene to investigate. They closed both sides of the highway from Arner Townline to Cameron... Read More

Can I File a Claim For Injuries From a Public Bus Crash in Ontario?

Generally, taking a public bus or other modes of public transit is an incredibly safe way to travel. That said, accidents can still happen, and victims could suffer significant injuries and damages. This is particularly true for victims who are not on the bus at the time of the crash, such as other drivers, pedestrians... Read More