Ontario Law Firm Blog

What Drivers Should Know About Liability for Crashes in Roundabouts in Windsor

Many times, drivers get into situations where they are unsure about who has the right of way. This confusion often results in accidents and those involved may be unsure about who is at fault. They may accuse each other of being at fault. Below, our experienced lawyers discuss what you need to know about liability... Read More

Greg Monforton and Partners Taking Part in Adopt-a-Family Program for The Holiday Season

Our firm is adopting two families of four this holiday season through the Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Foundation. When a family gets sponsored, a wish list is provided to the sponsor. The list includes clothing, toys and household items. Each holiday season, the Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Foundation helps more than 750 families by providing food, clothing,... Read More

How is Fault Determined After a Right-Turn Crash in Ontario?

Right turns are not as dangerous as left turns. You are not turning in front of traffic that is heading in the opposite direction. Even if you pull out into the intersection too soon, you can speed up and other drivers can slow down to try to prevent a crash. However, if you are making... Read More

University of Windsor Building Greg Monforton & Partners Lecture Hall

The Ron W. Ianni building, which houses the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, is being completely rebuilt to provide better spaces for teaching, learning and collaboration. This $35,000,000 building transformation is nearing completion and we were recently honoured to receive an invitation to see the construction progress, and in particular to get our first... Read More

Commercial Vehicle Crash Near Kingsville Sends Several to Hospital

There was a crash around 4 p.m. last Wednesday near Kingsville. The collision on Highway 3 near County Road 8 involved a passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle. Several of those in the passenger vehicle had to be taken to the hospital, one of the victims had life-threatening injuries. The other two occupants of the passenger... Read More

Will Your Injury Claim Be Worth More if You Have Surgery?

Personal injuries often require surgery to repair the damage done to the body. In some cases, such as with traumatic brain injuries or internal organ damage, surgery is life-saving. There are also times when surgery is necessary to stabilize an injury to prevent it from worsening or to promote appropriate healing. Many people assume that... Read More

Windsor Police Arrest Driver Suspected of Causing Fatal Hit-and-Run Crash

On Tuesday, November 22nd, Windsor Police arrested a 22-year-old suspected of causing a fatal hit-and-run crash. The driver turned himself in after the police issued a statement on Monday urging the person who caused the crash to contact them. Police charged the driver with failure to stop after an accident resulting in death. The driver’s... Read More

Why Vehicle Damage Factors into the Value of a Claim

If you want to recover compensation for the injury you suffered in a car crash, you will need proof of the seriousness of your injuries. However, even with a diagnosis from a qualified medical professional, a car insurance company may be less likely to pay full compensation if your vehicle did not suffer significant damage... Read More

Motorcyclist in Hospital Following Thursday Afternoon Crash on Tecumseh Road

Windsor Police had to close a section of Tecumseh Road East on Thursday after a motorcyclist was injured in a crash. The crash happened at the intersection with Kildare Road. The police closed a section of Kildare Road between Lens Avenue and Seneca. Tecumseh Road was also closed between Durham Place and Chilver Road. The... Read More

How Seeking a Second Opinion About Your Car Crash Injury Could Affect Your Claim

Decisions about your medical treatment after a car crash should be based on what is best for your health and well-being. It is also important that victims trust they are getting the appropriate treatment. If you are unsure about one doctor’s treatment plan, you may think about changing doctors, or at least getting another opinion.... Read More