Ontario Law Firm Blog

Firm Sponsors Emerald Ball-Windsor for the Third-Straight Year

For the third-straight year, Greg Monforton and Partners proudly sponsored the Emerald Ball-Windsor. The event took place on Friday, March 25th and our firm was a 2022 Emerald Sponsor. The Emerald-Ball Windsor is an annual celebration of dancers from the Emerald Isle Dance Society (EIDS) who will compete in the World Irish Dance Championships. The... Read More

Partner Jennifer Bezaire Speaking in Roundtable Discussion on Infant Settlement Motions

Jennifer Bezaire will be one of three lawyers speaking in a roundtable discussion sponsored by the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association on Friday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The webinar/roundtable is titled “Getting your Infant Settlement Motions Approved – Tips and Tricks”. The speakers will be focusing on the following aspects of infant settlement motions: Required... Read More

Liability for Damages If Your Car Catches Fire After a Crash

A crash, even a minor one, is a traumatic experience for everyone involved. If a crash also causes a car to catch fire, the situation can rapidly turn life-threatening. In some cases, victims may suffer burn and smoke-inhalation injuries in addition to injuries sustained from the impact of the crash. Below, our legal team goes... Read More

Partner Jennifer Bezaire to Speak at the 17TH Annual Update: Personal Injury Law and Practice Conference

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., partner Jennifer Bezaire is scheduled to speak at the 17th Annual Update: Personal Injury Law and Practice Conference. As a faculty member, Jennifer will provide critical updates about the current functioning of the LAT’s insurance dispute resolution. She also plans to review some of the LAT’s recent... Read More

Should I Accept Money from the At-Fault Driver at the Crash Scene?

Sometimes the at-fault driver may offer the victim money at the crash scene to avoid having to file a claim. The at-fault driver may try to settle the matter on the spot instead of exchanging insurance information and calling the police. Although it may sound like a good idea and a way to avoid all... Read More

Three-Vehicle Crash Kills Two in Leamington

Two people sustained fatal injuries on Friday morning following a three-vehicle crash in Leamington. According to a news report, the collision happened when an eastbound pickup truck crossed over the centre line on County Road 34. In the process, the pickup truck sideswiped a utility van and then crashed head-on into a sedan that was... Read More

Three Dead in Fiery Leamington Crash

Three people are dead following a fiery crash on Mersey Road 8 in Leamington. News reports say the vehicle left the road shortly before 8 p.m. on Sunday night. The vehicle first struck a bridge embankment before catching fire. Police at the scene reported finding three bodies inside the vehicle. The fiery fatal crash caused... Read More

Can Jaywalkers Be at Fault for Causing a Car Accident?

When a pedestrian gets struck by a vehicle, most people automatically assume the driver is at fault. This assumption is often true. Drivers have a duty to keep an eye out for vulnerable road users. However, if a pedestrian crosses the street illegally, he or she may be held at least partially at fault for... Read More

What if I Was in a Collision Due to Improper High Beam Use?

High beams benefit drivers on dark roads at night and at other times when it is hard to see. However, improper high beam use could be dangerous. In Ontario, there are laws to define proper use of high beams to help avoid hazards that could lead to a severe crash. However, what happens if a... Read More

Partner Jennifer Bezaire Speaking on OTLA Webinar on Amendments to Civil Procedure

On March 9, 2022, our partner Jennifer Bezaire will participate in a webinar to discuss the recent amendments to the Rules of Civil Procedure. The webinar, hosted by the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) will commence online using ZOOM, from 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM ET. These amendments were filed on January 21, 2022, in... Read More