Ontario Law Firm Blog

Partner Jennifer Bezaire Wins Motion to Strike Jury Due to COVID-19

Available via this link is a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice with regard to a motion brought by partner Jennifer Bezaire seeking to strike a jury because of COVID-19-caused delays in getting this matter to trial. The defendant resisted our attempt because it is at a strategic advantage should the trial... Read More

Evidence That May Help Prove a Driver Was Distracted

Distracted driving accidents can cause serious injuries and are among the leading causes of traffic fatalities. If you have been injured in a crash, the other driver may have been texting or otherwise distracted. You may be eligible to pursue compensation to help cover your medical expenses and loss of income. But how do you... Read More

Am I Able to Receive Accident Benefits If I Suffered a Minor Injury?

The short answer is yes. You may be eligible to receive general benefits in accordance with Ontario’s Minor Injury Guideline (MIG). The MIG provides a framework for the treatment of insured individuals who sustain minor injuries in a car accident. Below, we discuss this guideline in greater detail. Our legal team at Greg Monforton &... Read More

Ontario Drivers Facing Higher Auto Insurance Premiums in COVID-19 Era

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are driving less, resulting in fewer cars on the roadways. Not only is traffic down, but the number of reported crashes has also decreased by more than half compared to previous years. Despite this, many auto insurance companies in the province have started to increase their rates... Read More

Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover Accidents Caused by Snow or Black Ice?

Accidents often occur when road conditions are poor, making it riskier to drive safely. Snow and black ice can cause the roads to be slippery. A driver can easily lose control of his or her vehicle and cause a crash. On major highways, the injuries and damages that result could prove more severe and deadly.... Read More

Can I File a Lawsuit on Behalf of an Incapacitated Victim?

When a victim is severely injured in an accident, he or she may be physically or mentally incapable of pursuing compensation for his or her damages. If that victim is a loved one, you may be wondering if someone else may be able to take legal action on his or her behalf. The Windsor personal... Read More

Do I Have a Claim in a Single-Vehicle Accident?

A single-vehicle accident can happen when a vehicle hits an object on the road, spins out without hitting anything, runs off the road or flips over. Since only one vehicle is involved in the accident, you may be wondering if pursuing compensation will be difficult since another party was not involved. There may not have... Read More

What If My Injury Worsens After Reaching a Settlement?

Certain injuries can be unpredictable. You may not be responding to treatment well as your doctor had hoped. Even with treatment, your condition may continue to worsen. For instance, you may suffer from an infection that requires on-going medical care. It can be challenging to factor these issues in a personal injury settlement. The damages... Read More

Greg Monforton & Partners Continues Supporting the Elimination of Jury Trials in Most Civil Cases

Greg Monforton & Partners continues to support the elimination of jury trials in most civil cases. The Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) Board recently approved and submitted a proposal to the Attorney General for review recommending all current and future civil juries to be suspended immediately as health restrictions continue throughout the province. The COVID-19... Read More

Legal Options For Red Light Crash Victims

Drivers who attempt to beat a red light by going faster versus reducing their speed and coming to a complete stop can cause a serious accident. Running a led light can be dangerous for other drivers, passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists sharing the roadway. These accidents are also quite common, but entirely preventable. If you have been injured... Read More