Ontario Law Firm Blog

Greg Monforton Selected as Semi-Finalist for Professional of the Year Award

Greg Monforton, founder of the law firm, has been selected as a semi-finalist for the Professional of the Year Award by the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce. Finalists will be announced on Jan. 12, 2016 and the award will be presented at the 26th Annual Business Excellence Awards on Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Since 1991,... Read More

Halloween Safety Tips

While Halloween may be a fun night to celebrate by going to parties, dressing up and getting candy, it is wise to take precautions regarding your childrens safety. Here are seven Halloween safety tips that could make the holiday a little safer and give you more peace of mind. Trick or treating. When it comes... Read More

Two Injured After Being Hit by Windsor Taxi

A taxi cab struck two young women late Saturday afternoon, sending both pedestrians to the hospital. The accident happened at approximately 4:45 p.m. at the intersection of Wyandotte Street West and Oak Avenue. Witnesses reported hearing a loud bang and then seeing one of the victims unconscious under the cab. The windshield of the taxi... Read More

Greg Monforton & Partners Sponsors Free Concussion Workshop

We are very excited to announce that Greg Monforton & Partners is sponsoring a free concussion workshop on Nov. 9, 2015 at the Essex Centre Sports Plex Shaheen Community Room. Doors open at 6 p.m. The Use Your Head! concussion workshop is being hosted by the Brain Injury Association of Windsor & Essex County (BIAWE),... Read More

Trucking Accident FAQ

Commercial truck accidents can cause devastating consequences for motorists like fatalities and serious injuries. Since commercial trucks weigh thousands of pounds more than the typical passenger vehicle, the possibility of motorist and vehicle damage is great. Many commercial trucks also transport flammable or hazardous materials. Because of these realities, commercial truck drivers are accountable to... Read More

National School Safety Week

With School Safety Week celebrated Oct. 18-24, the Canada Safety Council is encouraging young pedestrians and cyclists to dress brightly so that they are seen. During fall, light levels decrease, making it ever-more important that pedestrians practice safe tactics when on the roads. September to November are the worst months for pedestrians being hit by... Read More

Study: Helmet Use Reduces Risk of Head Injury

There has been an uptick in urban cycling in recent years, however not everyone is choosing to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. According to a recent study, that could be a mistake. Researchers at the University of Arizona in Tucson have identified a direct link between the use of helmets and a reduction... Read More

One Dead after Motorcycle Accident on University Avenue

Three people were taken to the hospital following an accident involving two motorcycles around 4:20 a.m. on University Avenue W. Updated reports have revealed that a 26-year-old man was killed in the crash while the other two victims, a 28-year-old man and 28-year-old woman, suffered serious injuries. A red and white motorcycle was photographed at... Read More

Ontario is First to Allow Self-Driving Car Testing on Public Roads

The Ontario provincial government announced today that starting Jan. 1, 2016, the province will become the first jurisdiction in Canada to allow the testing of automated vehicles on its roads. The announcement comes as Ontario seeks to get a share of the billion-dollar industry of auto makers, auto parts companies and technology giants who are... Read More

Study Reveals Link Between TBI and Aggressive Driving

A recent study published in the Accident Analysis and Prevention journal has identified a link between Ontario drivers who have reported at least one traumatic brain injury (TBI) in their lifetime and significantly increased reports of engaging in aggressive driving behaviour. The study also identified a greater risk for being involved in an auto accident... Read More