Auto Accident News Blog

Risks of Managing a Car Accident Claim Without a Lawyer

Crash victims are within their rights to file an insurance claim on their own and not seek help from a lawyer. In fact, if your vehicle suffered cosmetic damage and you have an injury that will get better in a few days or a week, you may be able to recover full compensation on your... Read More

Two Treated For Critical Injuries After Crash on Queen’s Line

There was a serious crash on Queen’s Line at Sinclair Road 2 early yesterday morning. Two people were critically injured and treated by Chatham-Kent EMS. First responders arrived at the scene at about 7 a.m. yesterday. They assessed and provided treatment for two people who suffered critical injuries. The road had to be closed between... Read More

What You Should Know About Seeking Compensation for a Car Crash Orthopedic Injury

Orthopedic injuries are injuries to your musculoskeletal system, including injuries to your joints and bones. For example, a broken hip, fractured collarbone, torn anterior cruciate ligament, torn meniscus, and a torn rotator cuff are all examples of orthopedic injuries. The trauma from a car accident could cause a wide range of orthopedic injuries that could... Read More

Seeking Compensation for Damages From a Crash Involving a Peer-to-Peer Carsharing Vehicle

Peer-to-peer carsharing allows people to make money by sharing their cars with others. People who make use of these services can also avoid the many costs of owning or leasing a car. Peer-to-peer carsharing may also be good for the environment, as it decreases the number of vehicles on the road emitting greenhouse gases. These... Read More

Teenager Describes Aftermath of Head-On Crash on Highway 3

Head-on collisions are extremely dangerous and often result in life-changing injuries. Recently, the Windsor Star published an article about a head-on crash that occurred late last year. 18-year-old Sarah Viglianti was involved in a serious head-on collision on October 11 near Kingsville. She suffered numerous severe injuries, including a collapsed lung, concussion, bruised heart and... Read More

How a Crash Victim’s Age Could Affect the Value of a Claim for Compensation

You have probably heard the expression that age is just a number. While many people would like to think that age is just a number, in many situations a person’s age indicates a lot of things. For example, age can be a factor when doctors are trying to diagnose an injury or determine the long-term... Read More

Female Pedestrian Killed in Hit-and-Run Crash

There was a hit-and-run collision on Tuesday evening around 6 p.m. at Tecumseh Road East and Drouillard Road. The victim, a 51-year-old woman, suffered severe injuries and was taken to the hospital where she died. Police found and arrested the driver suspected of causing the crash and fleeing the scene. The police had to close... Read More

Evaluating Fault for a Crash Caused by Failing to Use a Turn Signal

Drivers need to take reasonable precautions to help reduce the risk of a crash. One of those reasonable precautions is to use their turn signals before turning or changing lanes. Your turn signals alert other drivers of your intent to turn or change lanes, which gives them time to slow down. The problem is many... Read More

Could Vaccine Hesitancy Make Drivers More Likely to Ignore Traffic Laws?

Could those who are unvaccinated against COVID-19 be at higher risk for getting into a car crash? A new study says there may be an increased risk of these people getting into auto accidents. The study, which was published in The American Journal of Medicine this month, says traffic accidents may be 50 to 70... Read More

What Should You Do if the At-Fault Driver Lies About What Happened in the Crash?

Sometimes the driver who caused the crash may decide to lie to the police and his or her insurance company. He or she is hoping to avoid being held financially liable for the damages caused by the crash. At-fault drivers also want to avoid receiving a traffic citation for breaking traffic laws. The at-fault driver’s... Read More