Auto Accident News Blog

Head-On Collision Involving Sedan and SUV Shuts Down County Road 22

A dangerous head-on collision involving an SUV and a sedan occurred on Tuesday morning, leading to the shutdown of a major thoroughfare in Lakeshore. The accident, which happened around 9:30 a.m. at Commercial Boulevard on County Road 22, happened in heavy rain. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Lakeshore Fire Department... Read More

What Victims of Windsor Rear-End Truck Accidents Need to Know About Seeking Compensation

A large percentage of motor vehicle accidents are rear-end collisions. These types of crashes are particularly dangerous when the trailing vehicle is larger than the lead vehicle, such as when the rear vehicle is a commercial truck, and the lead vehicle is a passenger car, truck or SUV. The difference in size can lead to... Read More

Can I File a Claim For an Injury in a Four-Way Stop Collision in Windsor, ON?

Traditionally, government officials thought four-way stops were an effective solution for managing intersections that do not get much traffic. However, people are slowly waking up to the fact that four-way stops can cause a lot of reckless behavior from drivers. When reckless behavior at a four-way stop causes a collision, victims may be able to... Read More

What You Should Know About Emotional Driving and How it Can Cause a Dangerous Collision

Many of us have gotten into our cars while experiencing some type of intense emotion, whether it was positive or negative. If you think back to a time when that happened, you may remember feeling distracted or easily agitated by other drivers. Below, Greg Monforton and Partners discusses the dangers of emotional driving and what... Read More

Windsor Police Ticket Dozens of Drivers During RIDE Campaign

There tends to be an increase in impaired driving during the holiday season. That is why the Windsor Police Service’s Traffic Enforcement Unit has ramped up efforts to prevent impaired driving. The initiative is called RIDE, which stands for Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere. Last Friday, police in Windsor and Amherstburg checked 100 vehicles, issuing 53... Read More

21-Year-Old Loses Life in Impaired Driving Collision on Wednesday Night

There was a fatal crash in Windsor on Wednesday night at the 200 block of Cameron Avenue. A 21-year-old male suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the hospital. A 19-year-old driver has been charged with impaired operation of a conveyance causing death. She was going north at high speed before she lost control... Read More

I Suffered a Crush Injury in a Windsor, Ontario Car Crash. What Are My Legal Options?

One of the biggest risks of a high-speed collision is that you could suffer a crush injury. These injuries occur when the body is subject to intense pressure for a long period. Greg Monforton and Partners has created a guide to crush injuries suffered in Windsor car crashes. We discuss the different types, how they... Read More

86-Year-Old Driver Taken to Hospital in London Following Tuesday Morning Collision

There were two collisions on Tuesday in Tilbury, one was at Canal Street and Ella Street and the other was on Queen’s Line between Bonneau Line and Davidson Road. The first crash happened around 11 a.m. and involved an SUV and a van. The collision caused the van to hit a pole, while the SUV... Read More

Windsor Police Investigating Crashes That Caused Pedestrian Life-Threatening Injuries

There was a pedestrian accident on Sunday evening after 6:00 p.m. on Everts Avenue. The victim is a 35-year-old who had to be transported to hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries. The crash is being investigated by the Windsor Police Traffic Reconstruction Unit. The officers found out the pedestrian got hit by a car that... Read More

What Compensation Can I Recover For Broken Ribs From a Windsor, ON Car Crash?

Blunt force trauma to the chest is a common occurrence in car crashes and can cause victims to suffer one or more broken ribs. This injury is incredibly painful, especially when trying to breathe. If you sustained a rib injury in a car crash and it was the result of the other driver’s negligence, our... Read More