- Client Reviews

One of the biggest hazards on Canadian roads is not necessarily the weather conditions, but inexperienced teen drivers. Each day a teenager with a new licence gets behind the wheel and in 2010 Transportation Canada reported that more than 1.1 million young adults below the age 19 were licensed drivers.

According to Transport Canada nearly 20,000 teenagers were injured in motor vehicle crashes and 234 suffered fatal injuries. In the United States motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death among teens. According to the Center for Disease Control, seven teens between the ages of 16 and 19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries in 2010.

Statistics from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation indicate that in 2009 nearly 2,400 drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 were injured in motor vehicle crashes and an additional 2,200 passengers injured.

Teen driving accidents can lead to very serious personal injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident with a teen driver, the victim may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and more.

For a free evaluation of your accident claim, fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW FORM to your right  its completely confidential.

What Causes Teen Accidents?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) there are three particular areas related to teen motor vehicle crashes.

The three main causes of teen driving accident fatalities include:

  • Inexperience
  • Driving under the influence
  • Seat belt use

Each of these can be controlled with proper education and direction. Canada offers a graduated drivers licensing program which calls for additional learning time so that new drivers can get more comfortable with being on the road.

Driving under the influence is a big problem and although the legal drinking age is 19 in Ontario, approximately 145 drivers involved in collisions throughout Canada had been found to be drinking, all of who were under the age of 19. Additionally, nearly 90 of these teens had a blood alcohol content (BAC) level over 0.08.

Transport Canada reports that approximately 579 accidents throughout the country involved drivers who were not using any safety equipment, additional 561 injured passengers had not been wearing seat belts while in an accident as well.

Graduated Drivers Licencing Program

G drivers licences are available to teens that are at least 16 years old in Ontario, Canada and throughout the entire country the age on average for a learners permit is 16 years old as well.

A G licence involves three different steps:

Learners Permit: Available at age 16 after a driver has passed an eye exam and multiple choice exam on the rules of the road. A teen may then drive with someone else who has a full drivers licence and a blood alcohol content of less than .05. The driver cannot be on the road between 12a.m. and 5 a.m., they may also not on 400-series highways or other high-speed expressways.

Probationary Licence: After having a learners permit for at least 12 months, or 8 months if the driver has completed a ministry of transportation approved drivers education course, they may attain their G2 licence. New drivers under the age of 19 may only have one passenger in the vehicle, under the age of 19, between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. for the first 6 months of the G2 licence. After the initial 6 months drivers the number of passengers may increase to three.

Full Licence: A full licence is available 12 months after the individual earns their G2 licence, there are no further restrictions on passengers, times they may be on the road, etc. The driver will have to pass an extensive road test which may include driving on a highway and parallel parking.

In Canada there is also a graduated drivers licencing program for motorcyclists which allows motorists to drive certain types of motorcycles under certain conditions similar to the G licencing program.

Contact our Ontario Teen Driver Accident Lawyers Today

Each day another teen driver is at risk of getting involved in a motor vehicle accident whether it is a collision with another teen driver or motorist of 20 years. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a teen driver, the victim may be entitled to compensation.

At Greg Monforton and Partners, we believe that all injured victims should be able to fight for their rights and get the justice they deserve for their injuries. Our office is located in Windsor, Ontario, but we are also pleased to serve clients in the following areas:

  • South Walkerville
  • Forest Glade
  • Remington Park
  • Devonshire Heights
  • And further surrounding neighborhoods

To find out how we may be able to help you get the MAXIMUM compensation you deserve, contact us at (866) 320-4770 for a free, no-obligation initial evaluation of your accident injury claim.

You may also reach us online by filling out the FREE CASE REVIEW form at the top right hand corner of this page  its 100% FREE.