Visibility issues can lead to several different types of car accidents and although weather is a common cause of visibility problems in Canada, blind spots are another common cause of car collisions.
A blind spot may prevent drivers from seeing around the vehicle including in:
- Passenger Cars and Vans
- Trucks
- Snowmobiles
- Buses
- ..and even planes.
Motorcycles and bicycles usually do not have blind spots, but larger cruising motorcycles may. The blind spot is often located over the right or left shoulder of a driver, oftentimes caused by the pillar that holds together the windows and doors of the car. Reduced visibility may also be caused by the vehicle headrest, passengers in the car, or cargo in the car.
Although collisions with another vehicle are common, drivers also risk hitting pedestrians and cyclists with their cars if they fail to check their blind spot.
If you or anyone you know has been injured in a blind spot accident caused by a careless driver, the victim may be entitled to compensation for property damage, medical bills and expenses, and lost wages.
For a free case evaluation, simply fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form to your right.
Common Types of Accidents
In the Ontario province the Ministry of Transportation reported that at least 45 accidents in 2009 were caused by visual obscurity, the majority of which caused personal injuries to those involved. Transport Canada notes that in 2010 more than 120,000 car accident injuries and fatalities were reported throughout the country.
Most blind spot accidents can result in various type of car accident injuries, and some may lead to serious or fatal injuries. Some common types of blind spot accidents include
- Rear-to-Front Side Accidents
- Sideswipes
- Rollover Collisions
Motorcycle accidents are also common if a careless driver fails to check their blind spot. Large trucks are known to have reduced visibility in the front of the truck, sides of the vehicle and in the rear if large cargo is being towed. Anyone who drives near a semi-truck should follow the common rule that is often posted on the truck If you cant see my mirrors, I cant see you to avoid being involved in a blind spot collision with a truck.
Blind Spot Accident Prevention
It is crucial to note that blind spot accidents are preventable if a driver uses advanced methods for seeing around their vehicle. Some vehicle manufacturers have begun to add technology that can notify drivers if they are veering to the left or right side and a vehicle is nearby, but drivers don’t necessarily need to buy a new car to avoid a blind spot accident.
Some common methods of blind spot accident prevention include:
- Adjusting Side and Rear-View Mirrors. Most often drivers adjust mirrors to see the edge of their vehicle which can prevent them from seeing to the side of the car where a blind spot lays. Drivers should adjust their mirrors for the best possible visibility and can check their visibility by having a friend walk around the vehicle and watching them in your mirrors.
- Convex Mirrors. Specialized mirrors can be used to replace the standard side view mirrors in your vehicle. These mirrors can be easily replaced and will provide better visibility around your car.
- Blind Spot Mirrors. These small and round circular mirrors are place on your normal mirror, usually with an adhesive provided. Blind spots mirrors can often be purchased at a local auto parts store.
- Physically Look Over. According to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation doing shoulder checks is the only way to make sure there is nothing in your blind spots. You can do this by looking over your right or left shoulder at a 45 degree angle, this should only take a few seconds. It is crucial that shoulder checks be done quickly as it could cause a rear-end collision if there is not enough room between your car and the one in front of you.
- Slow Down. Any car that was in your blind spot may come into view once you slow down.
Motorists should also realize how dangerous it can be to drive in another vehicles blind spot and should be cautious on multi-lane roads where blind spot crashes are more likely to occur.
Contact our Windsor Accident Law Firm Today
Our talented team of lawyers is knowledgeable in blind spot accidents and the types of personal injuries they may cause. If you or a loved one has been injured in a blind spot accident caused by a careless driver, our legal team can provide comprehensive legal counsel on the matter
Since 1981 Greg Monforton and Partners have assisted injured clients in fighting for the justice they deserve. Our experienced lawyers have handled many trials and have extensive courtroom experience. Our office is located in Windsor, Ontario, and we are also proud to serve the following areas:
- Devonshire Heights
- Little River Acres
- East Riverside
- Walkerville
- Fontainebleau
Contact us online by simply filling out the FREE CASE REVIEW form at the top right hand corner of this page its completely confidential.
Greg Monforton & Partners – Ph: (866) 320-4770