Nearly 140,000 injury-causing accidents occur on Canadian roads each year. According to Transport Canada, Ontario alone has a rate of over 475 injuries per 100,000 residents occurring due to car accidents each year.
There are many leading causes of car accidents that include driver errors, environmental factors and vehicle-related circumstances. If you or a loved one has been involved in a collision that was not the drivers fault, the victim may have grounds for legal action, and may be able to recover damages from the responsible party. The reliable, compassionate lawyers at Greg Monforton and Partners may be able to help.
Fill out our Free Case Evaluation form to the right to submit your case details to one of our lawyers for review, and we will contact you. Its completely confidential and always free!
Leading Causes of Car Accidents in Canada
Most motorists know the dangers of getting behind the wheel, but its easy to rely on ego and habit when youre an experienced driver. Some motorists have bad habits, and others may focus solely on safety, but mistakes happen to everyone. Some accident causes arent even attributed to a driver!
Any of these factors can lead to a car crash:
- Impaired driving
- Mechanical defects
- Poor road conditions
- Speeding
- Street racing
Even the most vigilant of drivers cant always prevent an accident from happening, but one of the measures a motorist can take is to drive defensively. Staying alert is paramount to staying safe on the road and using defensive driving skills can help you be prepared to maneuver quickly when faced with a potential accident. Staying out of an accident is the only way to avoid sustaining injuries.
Injuries Caused by Car Accidents
The types of injuries one might sustain in an auto accident are as varied as the causes. Depending on the severity of the accident, such injuries can be life-threatening or cause permanent disability. There are many elements in an auto accident that can contribute to injuries, from broken glass to road debris.
Some injuries commonly sustained in auto accidents include:
The types of injuries that can be caused are virtually endless. Even those who do not believe they have been injured in an auto accident should seek medical attention. Many injuries have latent symptoms or may present no symptoms at all, and only a doctor can confirm a clean bill of health.
Contact Our Successful Auto Accident Law Firm
Considering the variety of leading causes of car accidents, any number of injuries may be inflicted in the event of a collision, in addition to shock and emotional distress. The medical bills alone can be devastating to a family, along with the adjustments in daily life that can occur.
Our legal team is dedicated to helping individuals and families recover from the damage done in the aftermath of an accident. If you or a family member was involved in a collision due to another’s negligence, we may be able to help.
Greg Monforton and Partners fights for the justice of Ontario’s citizens by offering comprehensive legal counsel and pursuing the MAXIMUM compensation for our clients. From medical bills to mental anguish, our goal is to ensure our clients receive a fair and favorable verdict or settlement.
We proudly serve all of Ontario through our office in Windsor, and accept clients in the following areas:
- Windsor
- Chatham-Kent
- London
- Scarborough
- Leamington
- Tecumseh
- LaSalle
- Walkerville
- Pleasant Park
- Kingsville
and towns and cities throughout the province
Learn how our injury litigation firm can help with your car accident case. Call us today at (866) 320-4770 to speak with a professional on our intake team, who will ask a few questions before connecting you to a lawyer with related experience.
For an expedited review and to be contacted directly by one of our legal professionals, simply fill out the Free Case Evaluation form at the top of this page.
Contact us today – we only get paid when we obtain a recovery on your behalf.